Body by Bethenny: A Review


is it just me or is this the worst workout dvd cover ever? image source:

Bethenny Frankel is a lot of things: intense, booze maven, amateur sleuth (don’t let it be about Tom!), batshit crazy, and, of course, skinny.  A collection of workout DVDs is very on brand for her and you know Bethenny doesn’t do anything that doesn’t make her the moneys.  She says that she maintains her figure from doing yoga, so I thought I would give one of her workouts a try.  Body by Bethenny is a 40 minute yoga series, a short weight routine and a “booty bonus” (I can’t imagine what the marketing meetings for workout DVDs are like.  How many synonyms can you possibly come up with for butt, tone and lean?) Continue reading

Strong is the New Sexy: Part One


I miss Snooki’s old face & aesthetic.

Oh Snooki… where can I even begin?  When this lil drunken Italian dumpling first staggered her way onto MTV’s Jersey Shore in 2009, America was immediately in love.  Nicole Polizzi rolled in in a emblazoned trucker hat, a deep deep tan, giant hoop earrings and announced “the party’s heeeeeeere!”  Instant pop culture phenomenon.

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Kenya Moore: Booty Boot Camp: A Review

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I wonder how much twirling we are going to have to do. Sigh. image source:

Kenya Moore.  What can I say?  I was so prepared to like her when she joined the cast of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, mostly just because she is so pretty and I am deeply shallow.  HOWEVER, man she came in ready to PLAY and not in a good way.  Considering she has feuded with basically everyone on the show (including my beloved Phaedra), she is a difficult one to root for.

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Phine Body: Donkey Booty Volume 1: A Review

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I mean, I would trust this more than Kim Kardashian’s workout. image source:

I’m going to be fully honest with y’all right now: Phaedra Parks is my favorite Real Housewife.  OF ALL TIME.  Seriously.  I can’t get enough of her. She is the only one of my favorites who I haven’t gone lukewarm on thus far (former faves who have disappointed me include: Bethenny Frankel, Nene Leakes, Sonja Morgan, Lisa Rinna, Brandi Glanville and Tamara Judge).

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Be A Knockout with Kendra: A Review

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a workout sponsored by US weekly? does this mean I am going to have to do burpees with one of the tools from The Bachelorette?

Ah, Kendra Wilkinson (or is it Kendra Baskett this week?  Are she and Hank on a reality show right now, like Save My Marriage Tropical Bikini Contest Sad Face on Lifetime or something? I can’t keep up), the “sporty” former member of Hef’s harem with the laugh that broke a thousand eardrums.  Since she moved out of the Playboy mansion, Kendra has gotten married, had two kids, maybe separated from her husband, maybe got back together (too lazy/don’t care enough to google) with her husband and been on approximately 37 reality shows.  She also is a fitness personality, apparently, and we get to be a KNOCKOUT with her!

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