Skinnygirl White Peach Margarita: A Review

check out my other review of Skinnygirl booze here! and my review of the Skinnygirl cocktail book here!


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I honestly hate the Skinnygirl branding. Maybe it’s time to let Alex McCord take another whack at the logo?


Even though I think the original Skinnygirl margarita is too sour and best in very small doses (much like Bethenny herself), I thought that the white peach version might actually be delicious. It sounds so refreshing and summer-y, right?  After all, I did genuinely like the Skinnygirl White Cranberry Cosmo, even though that was mostly due to the fact that it just looked like straight up water (#tricky) so maybe the peach version of the marg would be surprisingly delicious? Continue reading A Review


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godammit vicki, stop ruining EVERYTHING! image source:

Oh Shannon Beador… I can’t help but love you.  I love that you have been on a reality show for several years but you STILL get drunk, say WAY too much personal stuff, have NO problem acting like a complete psycho AND drag your flailing marriage to an Aryan robot into your storyline every year.  WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE?!

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OC Lydia: A Review


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SAME. image source:

YOU GUYS, are you wonder what the EFF Andy Cohen is smoking bringing back resident awkward weirdo Lydia McLaughlin (I had to google her to find out her last name- not good brand recognition, better get whatever shitty intern you have on that right away, Lyds) to Real Housewives of Orange County?  As much as I hate her (and her AMAZINGLY TERRIBLE WEBSITE), why not bring back Gretchen Rossi and her creepy dad, I mean fiancé, Slade Smiley (lol til the end of time at that name)?  You know they would BRING IT to guarantee they remained on the show (and ostensibly, not become homeless. what do people like them do for money after a reality show?!)

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