Real Hockwives 2016 Holiday Gift Guide

Still struggling to finish your last minute holiday shopping?  Let me help you buy for all of the ladies (and gents) in your life, featuring items I reviewed this past year!  Happy holidays!  I’ll be back with fresh nonsense in the new year!

For your aunt who loves to cook but might also be illiterate

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I would highly recommend Skinny Italian or Fabulicious!, if she is really not into the English language.  There are enough photos of the food (plus bonus photos of Juicy Joe Giudice!) that she might be able to figure it out. Continue reading

Strong Looks Better Naked: Recipes

After I finished.. whatever the first section (read it here) of Strong Looks Better Naked is, I figured I had to make at least one recipe of Khloe’s to see if my ass would magically grow into bulbous perfection too.  Plus, they are like the most basic things you have ever read.  Seriously.

First, I thought I would make her “Kris Jenner” cocktail in honor of her now defunct show, Kocktails with Khloe (I accidentally wrote Kocktalks first and I think that would have made an excellent show name.  Especially for a Kardashian).  Hilariously, it is LITERALLY a vodka soda.  With lime.  And a watermelon (?) garnish.


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Strong Looks Better Naked: Part One {BODY}


shouldn’t it be naked looks better strong?  am I missing something? image source:

Like most basic bitches in America, Khloe is my favorite Kardashian.  She’s funny and actually seems like she’s in on the joke that is her family sometimes.  I can’t even imagine what an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians would be like without her.  Just a lot of stock footage of the Hollywood sign and them making sexy faces at their phones?  Barf.

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